DM notifications

What are personal notifications?

Personal notifications are direct messages (DMs) that Fabric will send to you when certain events happen, like you've been assigned to or mentioned on an issue.

Types of personal notifications

When an issue is assigned to me

When someone (other than yourself) assigns you to an issue in a connected repository, you can receive a DM notification.

When an issue mentions me

When someone (other than yourself) mentions you to an issue in a connected repository, you can receive a DM notification. This notification will trigger on mentions in the description of the issue, or in an issue comment.

Note: If you mention someone in an Issue Room channel by their Slack username, it will not send an additional DM notification, or display in GitHub as a GitHub mention. This is to prevent duplicate notifications.

Setting up personal notifications

You can find your Notifications page in your Fabric Dashboard in Slack.

To get to your Fabric Dashboard, click Fabric under Apps in your Slack sidebar.

If you don't see Fabric there, search for Fabric in your Slack search bar, and then click on the Home tab.

Click on Notifications.

Under Your personal notifications, check the boxes (☑️) for the notifications you want to receive.