Channel notifications

What are notification channels?

Notification channels are Slack channels that you can send issue-related events to.



GitHub repository

The GitHub repository to trigger events from.

Channel type

Static or Interactive. Interactive channels send collapsible issue messages that you can use to mark that someone has triaged that issue. Static channels let you specify certain events to send: new issues, closed issues, or issue comments.

Notification type

This is for Static channels only. You can specify certain events to send: new issues, closed issues, or issue comments.

Labels to include

The notification channel filter will only match on issues that include all of these labels. If left blank, it will match on any issue.

Labels to exclude

The notification channel filter will not match on issues that include any of these labels. If left blank, it will match on any issue.

Notification channel ideas

A closed issues channel

Keep a log of your team's wins by creating a #feed-closed-issues channel.

Triage OSS issues

Create an Interactive notification channel called #feed-oss-issues. Maybe mute the channel. Once a day or once a week, check the channel, and go through and comment, close, label. If you're not currently accepting feature requests, exclude the feature request label.

Types of notification channels

Static channels

Static channels let you specify certain events to send: new issues, closed issues, or issue comments.

Interactive channels

These are also known as Issue Feeds.

Interaction notification channels are meant for workflows.

Setting up notification channels

Go to your Fabric Dashboard

You can find your Notifications page in your Fabric Dashboard in Slack.

To get to your Fabric Dashboard, click Fabric under Apps in your Slack sidebar.

If you don't see Fabric there, search for Fabric in your Slack search bar, and then click on the Home tab.

Find Fabric in the Slack sidebar or search for it in the Fabric search bar.

Go to the Notifications page

Click on Notifications.

Add a channel

Under Your team's notification channels, click Add notification channel.