Fabric for bugs

Have a lot of messages coming into your #bugs channel? Want to make it easier for others to create issues without asking you?

Fabric's got you covered!

"It's so easy to create an issue from the conversation that that I never see somebody working on something in Slack where there's no issue" - Tyler Richie, CTO of Sprout

In just a few clicks, Fabric can create an issue in GitHub, add relevant details, and optionally spin up a channel for teammates to collaborate.

Work fluidly in Slack, and we'll make sure everything gets to the right place.

Create and fix bugs faster

With our customizable workflow, any user can create an issue out of one or multiple Slack messages.

The bug template takes care of filling out the issue, including applying any labels or assignees.

We can even automatically open an Issue Room for each bug. This gives the requester plenty of space to drop in more details or screenshots, which the engineer can use to fix the bug.

Create your issue

Create from a message

Click on a message to create an issue. You can import multiple messages. We support emojis, images, files, and threads, so all the context is captured.

Choose your template

When you link your #bugs channel to a template as an Issue Feed, we recommend that template in the channel.

This makes it really fast for teammates to find the right template.

Fill out your issue

Anyone can add more details

You can add more details to your issue, and then click Done editing to collapse it.

Finish triaging your issue

When you're done adding details to your issue, it collapses.

When your issue is updated anywhere, this message will update with the new details.

Collaborating with Issue Rooms

Issue Rooms let you collect more information and collaborate with more people, to close out bugs faster.

Let us spin up a channel for your issue

When you're creating your bug template, say Yes to Auto-create an Issue Room for every new issue?.

This will attach an Issue Room channel to the bottom of each bug you create.

Engineers and non-engineers, talking together

Team members outside of engineering are often intimidated by GitHub, and won't collaborate in there. But they will in Slack.

With Issue Rooms, every message gets backed up to the GitHub issue, so engineers and those on the business side end up collaborating more closely.

The channel closes when the issue does

When your issue is closed, we automatically archive your Issue Room for you.

Set up your bug workflow

To set up your bug workflow, we'll first create a bug template, and connect it to your existing #bugs channel as an Issue Feed.

Go to your Fabric dashboard

To get to your Fabric dashboard, click Fabric under Apps in your Slack sidebar.

If you don't see Fabric there, search for Fabric in your Slack search bar, and then click on the Home tab.

Find Fabric in the Slack sidebar or search for it in the Fabric search bar.

This is your Fabric Dashboard.

Go to your templates page

To get to your Templates Page, click on Templates.

This is your Templates page.

Select the bug template

Let's customize the bug template. Click Create a template from example.

Choose 🐞 Bug Report.

Choose Start with this one on the 🐞 Bug Report Template.

Here, you can customize all details of the 🐞 Bug Report Template.

Configure your template

Continue setting up your template with these details:




🐞 Bug Report


Report a problem you ran into using the product.


  • Briefly describe the bug you ran into.

  • What steps did you take before seeing the bug? The more specific, the better.

  • What did you expect to happen?

  • What was the technical context (i.e. what version of software, browser, operating system, etc.)

  • Please attach any images or files that can help us reproduce (screenshots, screenshares, etc.)


<your default repository>

Default labels


Default assignees

<add any default assignees>

Default project column

<add any project column>

Issue Feed

<add your bugs channel, ex. #feed-bugs>

Create Issue Rooms automatically?

Issue Room Prefix


Show label field?

Show assignee field?

Show milestone field?

Show project field?